The goal of the Democratic Committee is to help elect people to represent Woodbury who will protect our services, keep taxes from skyrocketing and help our community to thrive.  For information about joining, email - willafreiband@GMAIL.COM

Interested in Issues?

Start making a difference.

Join the Woodbury
Democratic Committee.

    It will be an experience you will enjoy!

A community is as strong as its leaders and citizens make it.

Get involved. Attend meetings. Follow the news. VOTE.

Willa Freiband, Chair of the Woodbury Democratic Committee represents the 99AD on the New York State Democratic Committee. She is a member of Orange County Democratic Executive Committee and is the president of Orange County Democratic Women. She has been a member of the Town Democratic Committee for the past 9 years. Her career in politics includes over 2 decades as a professional consultant and community organizer. She us has been active in reproductive rights for over 30 years, serving as Vice President of Planned Parenthood Mid Hudson Valley and currently sits on the Board of Planned Parenthood Greater New York Action Fund. She is the recipient of 3 YWCA Women of Achievement awards.

Interested in building a better community? IInterested in public service - not personal gain? We need principled individuals who care about the the future and that of their children. Join us! " W. Freiband


Town and Village  Officers